Here’s a recipe to make you own shampoo. Make it, us it, give it to your friends. Ingredients: 4 oz.…
Hair care
Hare Care Tips in ‘wet’ season
Hair swells significantly when wet, leaving the locks vulnerable to damage. Safeguard your hairs by these expert tested strategies: (1)…
Ideal foods for keeping your Hair Healthy
Having a bad hair day? Maybe it’s your diet. You wonder why even the best shampoos, conditioners, serums and hair…
eggs: useful applications
• Egg can reduce the puffiness under the eye. Apply thin film under the eye and allow to remain for…
get rid of head-lice
We usually shave off our hair. Sometimes it’s impossible, especially if you are a woman. What you can do is…
care your long hair
not all of us is blessed with long hair. it could be a matter of debate that how much long…
Tips for Frizz Fighting At Home
Frizz Fighting Home Remedy 1.Beer makes the hair super soft silky and shiny. Use this conditioner after shampooing your hair…